Finding Arizona's Pages

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Few More Scary Places to Stay Around Arizona


         Some more spooky hotels around Arizona to enjoy during the Halloween season or really, any time of the year.  Photos 6, 7 & 8 belong to the good folks at the Noftsger Hill Inn in Globe.

       Friendly ghosts are as much a part of the story of Arizona as cowboys, cacti and spectacular sunsets.  The historic hotels scattered throughout Arizona are full of men, women, children and pets that once checked in for a night’s stay but never checked out.  Now these old establishments and their Arizona towns are worth a visit any time of year but the Halloween season is hauntingly perfect!
    Our search for Arizona spirits begins in the old copper town of Bisbee.  Such places as the Bisbee Inn, The Inn at Castle Rock and the Copper Queen all have their special out-of-this-world guests.
    The Bisbee Inn seems to be an inn full of these never-leaving folks.  Rooms 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 23 all have ghost reports filed with the inn’s management.  Room 23’s ghost is said to be that of a mischievous cat who welcomes guests in a “purrfect” way.
    The Copper Queen Hotel is Bisbee’s grandest and most famous place to spend a night or two.  Built in 1902, this grand lady was the center of commerce and society when copper was king in Arizona.   Three ghostly folks still make the Queen their home and often spend time entertaining or scaring today’s hotel guests.
    Room 315 of the Copper Queen is home to the spirit of Miss Julia Lowell, a lady of the night who once plied her trade here.  Many a male guest has reported a nighttime visit from the spirit of this shady-lady who took her own life after losing the man of her dreams.
    The Copper Queen is also home to the spirit of an elderly gentleman fashionably dressed including a black cape and top hat.   The third spirit resident is that of an eight-year old boy who drowned in the nearby San Pedro River but found his way back to the Copper Queen to where his mother worked.  He seems often found in the dining room interacting with the children of modern hotel guests.
    Prescott’s old hotels are well known for their permanent spirit guests too.   Since 1921 Room 16 of the Hotel Vendome has been the home of Miss Abby Byr and Noble, her faithful cat.  Abandoned by the love of her life, Abby and her cat starved to death in this room while waiting for his return.  Modern guests report visions of a beautiful young lady and her cat still making the best of their time in Room 16!
    Just a few blocks up the road at the Hassayampa Inn in Room 426 still waits a young women known only as Faith whose husband left her, never to return, on their honeymoon night in 1927.  Three days later, a heartbroken Faith took her own life while still checked-in to Room 426.  It is said that Faith has never left that room and the lilac scent that still occurs only in Room 426 is evidence of her spiritual presence.
    The stories of friendly spirits found in the hotels of Arizona go on and on.  There is the bank robber of the Hotel Monte Vista in Flagstaff.  George Buford hasn’t yet left the home he built in Tombstone in 1880. Lady guests of today’s Buford House Bed & Breakfast report something tickling their feet in the middle of the night and house dogs and cats seem to playfully watch this friendly phantom moving about the house and grounds.
     The Gadsden Hotel in Douglas is a ghost hunter’s paradise because of all the spirits who still call this 1907 hotel home.  Room 333 still has the rocking chair that just won’t stop rocking and you don’t even want to ask about the phantom cowboy that still rides through these hallways.
     The San Carlos Hotel in downtown Phoenix and the Congress Hotel in downtown Tucson both have their haunting stories.  The Grand Hotel in Jerome is so active with spirits that it offers today’s hotel guests “ghost-busting” tours.  The old North Globe Schoolhouse in Globe, known today as the Noftsger Hill Inn, is full of young lads who have stayed long after school is out to do more than just clean the blackboards and erasers.         
     So this fall, why not get out and discover Arizona’s historic and haunted hotels?  You’ll find yourself either being entertained or being chilled by one of our state’s friendly apparitions.
The Monte Vista in Flagstaff

The Copper Queen in Bisbee

The Grand in Jerome

The Hassayampa inn Prescott

The Hassayampa

Noftsger Hill Inn in Globe

A room at the Noftsger Hill Inn

Old Classrooms become guests rooms at the Noftsger Hill Inn

The San Carlos in downtown Phoenix

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