Finding Arizona's Pages

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Big Weekend In The Verde Valley

       Living in the north Valley has many wonderful advantages one of which is how quickly we can make a short drive and be in the high-country of Arizona.  The ten communities of the Verde Valley with their unique histories, natural beauty and varied cultural/recreational offerings can all be reached with an easy 1½-hour drive.  And with the beginning of another season just days away, the Spring Heritage Pecan and Wine Festival in Camp Verde on March 28 & 29, 2015 kicks off both the town’s Sesquicentennial celebration and another year of family-fun festivals across the Verde Valley.
    The first Camp Verde Pecan & Wine Festival happened in 2001 and the annual celebration has grown in size and offerings.  Wine tasting areas will be offered by 12 of the Verde Valley’s finest wineries.  Pecans grown on local farms of the Verde Valley will be on sale among the many arts and craft vendors.
       While the Pecan & Wine Festival is happening in downtown Camp Verde, canoe and kayak racing will be occurring at the 3rd Annual Verde River Runoff races. This is a 10-mile race along a beautiful and remote part of the Verde River from White Bridge to Beasley Flats. There are multiple skill-categories for anyone wishing to enter and race.    
    In addition the Verde Valley Archaeology Fair will be going on featuring two-days of hands-on archaeological adventures designed for the whole family.   The highlight of this fair will be the display of the 135 pound nickel-iron Camp Verde Meteorite discovered in 1927 in a nearby 1000-year old pueblo.  This meteorite is a fragment of the same meteorite that created Meteor Crater near Winslow and has not been on public display since 1960.
    The vast majority of events for the Spring Pecan & Wine Festival are FREE.  The exceptions are a $12 charge for an adult wine tasting ticket and a race entry fee for the Verde Valley Runoff.
    Wow!  What a weekend of fun for the whole family!  So make plans now to get out and enjoy the many activities and beautiful weather always found in the nearby towns of the Verde Valley.

Camp Verde Pecan & Wine Festival-

Verde Valley Archeological Fair -

Verde Valley Runoff-

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