Finding Arizona's Pages

Monday, January 22, 2018

Arizona Magnificiant Caves

     We just published an article on Live Science dealing with Arizona Caves.  If you love the idea of "going undeground"  then our amazing Arizona could just be your special underground playground as it is truly a treasure of speleological wonders. Speleologists, scientists who study caves, estimate that over 4,000 caves lie beneath the ground of Arizona, with some 1,600 Arizona caves already having been discovered, verified and documented.     

     Our story, linked here - - deals with four caves that are easy to visit.  If you are really interested in going "underground"  let us suggest this resource website -

     Caving can be exhilarating but be careful  Here are some good rules to follow...

   Caving Tips & Etiquette from the National Speleological Society -

1.    Never go alone into a cave.  Always stay with your group.
2.    Plan ahead for an emergency.  Be sure to have multiple sources of light.
3.    Bring the right gear; wear the right clothing.
4.    Tell someone where your caving group have gone and when you plan to return home.
5.    Stick to the pre-established routes in the cave.  Caves are slippery; wear good caving shoes.
6.     Wear protective head gear.
7.      Leave the cave as you found it.  Don’t litter, disturb the cave formations or any wildlife.  Don’t cause any damage to the cave. 

1 comment:

  1. nice blog on arizona. we are heading through there on a big road trip in a few months. I'll definitely take a read before I get there.

    Rod (Australia)
